Wednesday, October 29, 2014

So much going on in our room!

Guest Bloggers
"Looking at pumpkins."
"Looking at citrouilles."
"I'm doing un cercle."
"Painting a leaf."

"I think they are making a maison."
"I think they are making a auto."
"She said she make a fire truck and a auto."


"He's making a recipe."
"He looking for food what to do."
"He's taking the food and pretend."

"A transformer auto."
"His picture is on the wall over there." (Points to our cork board in the classroom."

"Singing and dancing with M. M"

"I think they're dancing."

"He's making a helmet."
"So he can go to space."
"HE made a space mask."

"A Tower."
"With pailes et connections" (straws and connectors)

"A number letter to count them."
"Then she put a thing (sticker) on her picture."

"Putting leafs on the paper and then glue them."
"Putting a string in a leaf."
"une feuille"

Writing French words from our science investigation in French.

"A rocket ship."
"He made a big rocket ship."

"Les pates a modlers."

"Les Sand"
These students where making smiley faces in the sand.

"That's a restaurant to go fix food, sit and eat then bring it back."

"They are writing words on a piece of paper."

"Colouring masks."

This students was sorting the different types of leaves by colour and type.

"He wrote stuff that he saw outside."
This student independently wrote a full sentence in French. He wrote "Je vois 1 citrouille petit et orange." Which translates to "I see 1 pumpkin small and orange." 

"I write all the words in French."
This student was also writing words she found at the science centre to describe the objects she found.

"Doing a big cake."
"It was a strawberry and chocolate cake."
"A umbrella."
"We were doing a umbrella and you was cutting it."

"Put plastic to the water not come down on them."

"Now Mme take a photo."
"We hold the umbrella."

""A restaurant for to eat."
"They serving up orange pretzel, carrots, orange juice, milk, an other pretzel and spaghetti."
"And a bread and blueberries."
"Not blueberries, those are grapes."

"They play with pate a modler, the other stuff." (it's therapy putty, not play doh)
"Student made masks, Nija Turtle Masks for the teachers and he made a bad guy, Shredder."

"She spelling her name."

"He put his name."

"I playing with the like play doh."
"That's a Mme. with us." (Mme Round)

"We are measuring the citrouilles."
"The citrouilles are like pumpkins."
"We used cubes and les chaines to mesure."

"She measuring the pumpkins to what one is the biggest."
"She's putting the pumpkins next to other pumpkins to see what one is the biggest." 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Volunteers needed

Chers Parents,
 We are looking for a few parents to come in on Halloween day, Friday October 31st at 9:30am to help investigate pumpkins with the students. If you are able to come in, please send a note in your child’s communication book.

In addition, we are looking for a few parents who may be interested in making playdoh for our classroom.  If you are willing to make playdoh and/or need a simple recipe, please send a note in your child’s communication book and we will send out a schedule for the entire school year.

If there is something that you would like to volunteer to do in our classroom at some point in the future please send a note in your child's communication book. I will contact you to discuss a time that works for all of us. Some ideas include but are not limited to: baking, cooking, crafts, story reading, science investigations, dramatic play, story writing, teaching about different cultures etc...

The donations to the Cereal Box Challenge continues to be great! We are still collecting until Tuesday October 28. Thank you so much for your generous donations!

We are enjoying the students and we appreciate all the continued support from our parents. Please remember to check the blog regularly so that you can support your child’s learning at school.

Mme Danby, Mlle Perron, et Mme Kailer 

Special Visitors Today

At the last minute we were notified that some student firefighters from St. Clair College Firefighting program would be stopping by to talk to the students and allowing them to tour the Fire Truck. Our students were so excited! Here are some pictures:


The Firefighters talked to our students about:
- the importance of having a fire safety plan in place at home
- creating a meeting place outside of the house incase they ever needed to evacuate the building
- Stop Drop and Roll if their cloths catch fire
- Call 911 if they see a fire at home and tell an adult
- Not to be afraid of Firefighters in uniform because they are there to help in case of an emergency
As a family you can review these important Fire Safety expectations at home.