Sunday, April 26, 2015

Every day is Earth Day!

We celebrated Earth Day on April 22 by wearing green, blue and brown.  However, we are helping the environment every day in our classroom.  Students are learning whether to dispose of their waste in the garbage pail, the recycle boxes or our new compost system!

We had a presentation all about recycling...

Our class joined the class of Mme. Desjarlais to discover how worms help to recycle our compost! 

 We are cutting out pictures of compostable items so all of our friends know what they can toss into our worm compost!

 Students thought it was great that worms can recycle our fruit and vegetable waste into fresh new soil to grow plants in!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Bellewood Benefit Concert May 12

Dear Parents,

For those who have not already purchased tickets to our fabulous 2015 Bellewood Benefit Concert, please consider doing so!  We have a limited number of seats remaining, and the proceeds go to support WE Care for Kids.

Students and their families have the opportunity to join us for an evening of entertainment at the St. Clair Center for the Arts of May 12.

I should mention that Mlle. Perron, Mme. Kailer and myself will be starring in the show! To purchase your tickets, you can use cash online or send in the form that was sent home earlier this month.
Thank you!!

Mlle. Wesley

Monday, April 6, 2015

Glow Blue for Autism

Our students participated in Autism Awareness by wearing blue on April 2.  Thank you for buying bracelets and supporting Autism awareness!

Multicultural Day

Students enjoyed seeing and learning about treasures from all around the world.

Students have been getting creative with all sorts of fun materials and manipulatives.  Counting, sorting, building, creating! 

Spring egg decorating!

The students loved decorating their spring eggs using different types of lines and colour patterns!