Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Bienvenu / Welcome

Bienvenue to our classroom blog. 
This is a blog for parents and children in Mme Danby's Full Day Kindergarten class.

Here you will find important dates, helpful web sites for the French Immersion Program, curriculum expectations, field trip information and pictures of students learning, having fun and much more. 

Please review this blog on a regular basis with your child as it is an important communication tool between home and school. We will update this site frequently with important information, unless technical issues keep us from doing so. 

We will be posting pictures of our students' learning after you have had a chance to explore the blog. Please take this opportunity to familiarize yourself with the contents. 

*If you would like to put in your email above you will receive an automatic notification when the blog is updated. 

We are looking forward to a fantastic year of inquiry, discovery, learning and growth.


Your Kindergarten team:
Mme Danby, Mlle Perron, & Mme Kailer